Trying Something New...
How often do we get round, or indeed have the time to get round, to trying something genuinely new? Try and think back to the last time that you did something you had never done before? For me, the opportunity arose this week and whilst my initial reaction was one of staying in my comfort zone, I ended up trying something that I think I can safely say took me both metaphorically and literally out of my comfort zone. Yoga. Now this may not be a big deal to you, indeed you may be a black belt in Yoga (I am not fully conversant with all the terms yet) but as a mid-fifties, six feet tall, 90 kg male who has never got anywhere close to touching his toes, this was a big deal and a long way away from my comfort zone. The opportunity arose after a throwaway comment from someone I had met for the first time earlier in the week. I had certainly never considered Yoga and truth be told, had no idea what it was about. My normal reaction would have been to polite...